Saturday, November 18, 2006

With The GOOD Comes The BAD

As each day progresses, scientists around the world are developing new and advanced technological devices. They also work on improving the devices they already have such as cell phones, computers, television sets, and stereo systems. Although improvments to man kind's creation are good and everything, it also comes with the bad that may lead to nothing.

Let's use the cell phone camera as one example and how much it can affect the community through both positive and negative.

The positive. Picture this in your mind. A tourist from Russia visited China to view the Great Wall. Just when he arrives at the tourist spot, he recieves a call on his cell (not a camera phone) from his friend saying "You forgot your camera here". Now the man responds by saying "Aww man, i'll just find one here...somewhere". Doesn't that sound inconvienent and unfortunate? Of course it does. Now picture this scene again only with a few adjustments. The same man from Russia visits the Great Wall of China as a tourist. He recieves a call on his cell (camera phone this time) saying that he left his camera at home. However the man is relieved to say that it'll be fine because he can just use his phone to take the pictures. Now wasn't that much better than the first scene? So basically the positive side to camera phones is that you can now take pictures wherever you go along with having the same device that makes calls. You can even send pictures to family and friends. Very useful device to be in posession of.

The negative. As mentioned in Miss Huebner's blog, the invention of the camera phone has brought about the threat of loss of privacy to everyone. How you may ask? Well just imagine that your wearing a kilt and you desided to sit down. A moment later some perverted person weilding a camera phone decides to...excercise its uses involvng undetected picturing of...I'll let you decide what that person takes a picture of. So anyways, that is only one way that the camera phone may be used negatively. It may even be used to take illegal videos and pictures inside a movie theatre or an acting theatre. The minute size of the camera phones makes it hard for security to detect its illegal uses. It may even be used to take pictures of YOU! How would you know no one else has taken a picture of you without your knowledge through the use of a camera phone? It makes me feel sick knowing the unlimited negative capacity of camera phones.

So there you have it. The good and the bad. The Ying and Yang of ONE of technological devices. Is it good or is it bad? To tell you the truth, you can only answer this question if a person is in the picture with its technological posessions.


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